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Academic Catalog
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Programs of Study
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Graduate Degree Programs
ACC - Accounting
AGE - Ag Ec at MU
ALE - Adult Learning
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
ASN - Asian Studies
ATR - Athletic Training
BIO - Biology
BMT - Business Management
BUS - Business Administration
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Science
CMJ - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSS - Cybersecurity Studies
DIS - Dissertation
ECN - Economics
EDC - Education
EDU - Education
EHP - Exercise Sci Human Performance
ENG - English
EPD - Eductn Professional Developmnt
EQA - Equestrian Administration
EQE - Equestrian Education
EQR - Equestrian Riding
EQS - Equestrian Science
EQU - Equestrian Studies
ESL - English as a Second Language
EXS - Exercise Science
FLD - Field Experience
FLM - Digital Filmmaking
FRE - French
GEO - Geography
GER - German
HIS - History
HLT - Health
HUM - Humanities
IFL - Information Literacy
INT - International Studies
ITP - Interpreting Program
LDR - Leadership
MAT - Mathematics
MGT - Managment
MIL - Military Science
MIS - Management Information Systems
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
ORL - Organizational Leadership
PED - Physical Education
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PLS - Political Legal Studies
PRL - Paralegal Studies
PSY - Psychology
RDG - Reading
RSH - Research
SBA - Science in Business Analytics
SCA - Sociology
SCI - Science
SMG - Sports Management
SPA - Spanish
SPE - Speech
SST - Social Studies
SWK - Social Work
THA - Theatre
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EDU - Education
EDU 201
Multicultural Education -U
EDU 211
Educational Technology
EDU 231
Exceptional Child
EDU 250
Foundations of Education
EDU 258
Cross Categorical Disabilities
EDU 261
Assessing Young Children
EDU 281
Early Childhood Principles
EDU 291
Beginning Clinical Experience
EDU 293
Pre-Student Teaching III
EDU 301
Family and Community Resources
EDU 311
Middle School Philosophy and Organi
EDU 313
Early Childhood Program Management
EDU 314
Middle School Curriculum & Instruct
EDU 317
Teaching Language Arts & Children's Literature
EDU 318
Methods of Teaching Social Science
EDU 319
Methods of Teaching Science
EDU 323
Methods of Teaching K12 Art
EDU 341
Teaching Mathematics
EDU 351
Language Development
EDU 353
Teaching Remedial Mathematics
EDU 358
Teaching Cross Categorical Disabilities
EDU 392
Reading & Wrtng in the Content Area
EDU 393
Teaching Reading and Writing
EDU 395
Intermediate Clinical Experience
EDU 415
Conferencing and Consultation
EDU 417
EDU 420
Measurement and Evaluation
EDU 422
Measurement & Assessment in Education
EDU 441
Student Centered Reading & Writing
EDU 453
Classroom Management
EDU 460
Career/Vocational Education
EDU 490
Supervised Teaching (Elementary)
EDU 492
Educational Seminar
EDU 493
Supervised Teaching Special Education
EDU 495
Supervised Teaching (Middle Level)
EDU 499
Supervised Teaching (Secondary)
EDU 500
Current Issues In Education
EDU 503
Sports Law
EDU 507
Org, Middle School Curri&Instr
EDU 508
Practical Aspects of Athletic/Activities Administration
EDU 509
Athletic Admin Field Experiences
EDU 511
Educational Psychology
EDU 512
Modern Educational Thought
EDU 521
Introduction to Interscholastic/Intercollegiate Athletics/Activities Administration
EDU 523
Supervision of the Athletics/Activities Program
EDU 524
Current Issues/Common Challenges in Athletics/Activities Administration
EDU 526
Athletics/Activities Administration: Developing Character & Citizenship
EDU 527
Athletics/Activities Program Promotion
EDU 528
Financing the Athletics/Activities Program
EDU 530
Improvement Of Instruction
EDU 537
Special Education Administration
EDU 538
Leadership and Management of Instructional Curriculum in Special Education Programs
EDU 540
Literacy Instruction
EDU 543
Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape
EDU 544
Digital Tools in the Athletic/Activities Environment
EDU 550
Curriculum Construction
EDU 555
Interpersonal Relations
EDU 557
School Leader Field Experience
EDU 558
Digital Tools for Academic Programs
EDU 561
Instructional Design With Technology
EDU 563
Applied Instructional Theories and Strategies Using Technology
EDU 564
STEM - An Introduction
EDU 565
STEM: Engineering Design
EDU 567
An Introduction to Inquiry-Oriented Teaching and Learning
EDU 568
Action Research
EDU 569
Visionary Leadership
EDU 570
EDU 571
Integration of Multimedia Production and Curriculum
EDU 572
Managerial Leadership
EDU 573
Instructional Leadership
EDU 575
Principles Of Secondary Education
EDU 577
Supplemental Field Experience
EDU 580
Educational Technology
EDU 583
Performance Assessment for Aspiring Building Level Administrators
EDU 585
School Law
EDU 586
Education Research Capstone
EDU 588
Writing Workshop (Special Topics)
EDU 590
Appraisal Of Student Learning
EDU 591
Field Experience Special Education
EDU 593
Subject Material Tch Methodologies
EDU 594
EDU 595
EDU 597
School Leadership- Building Level Capstone
EDU 600
Issues in School Superintendency
EDU 601
Superintendency Practicum
EDU 602
Administrative Mentoring Practicum
EDU 603
Curriculum Auditing & Mapping
EDU 605
Issues in Curriculum Leadership
EDU 610
Utilizing Statistical Procedures in Educational Research & Evaluation
EDU 615
Designing and Leading Professional Development
EDU 620
Effective School- Community Relation
EDU 625
Modern Educational Thought
EDU 630
Development & Implementation of Educational Policy
EDU 635
Curriculum Leadership
EDU 640
Human Resources in Education
EDU 645
Application of Learning Frameworks
EDU 650
School District Finance
EDU 653
School Plant & Facilities Development/Safety & Security
EDU 655
Instruction and Assessment Design
EDU 656
Teachers as Leaders
EDU 659
Technology Leadership
EDU 661
Instructional Technology Coaching
EDU 662
Managing Technology Integration in Schools
EDU 663
Advanced Online and Blended Teaching
EDU 664
Foundations of Instructional Coaching
EDU 673
Educational Reform and Urban Educational Issues
EDU 674
Urban Issues in Curriculum and Instruction
EDU 680
Advanced School Law and Policy Development
EDU 681
Advanced School Law for Teachers
EDU 685
Curriculum and Program Evaluation
EDU 690
Differentiated & Supplemental Program
EDU 691
Supplemental Programs Supporting Instruction
EDU 696
Curriculum Leadership Practicum
EDU 697
Superintendent Field Experience and Capstone
EDU 699
Independent Field Experience
EDU 710
Aspects of Leadership
EDU 730
Effective Educational Systems
EDU 750
Organizational Learning & System Change
EDU 760
Program Evaluation & Strategic Plan
EDU 781
Dissertation Seminar
EDU 790
Research Seminar
EDU 791
Research Seminar
EDU 792
Dissertation Workshop 1
EDU 793
Dissertation Workshop 2
EDU 799
Research Seminar