Academic Catalog

EDU 568 Action Research

Students will become familiar with the role of school leaders in school improvement and learn to use action research to solve instructional problems related to school improvement. Students will also utilize recent research on effective instruction and explore advanced classroom strategies and techniques designed to enhance their effectiveness in meeting the needs of diverse populations of learners. Students will develop expert instructional skills and learn to diagnose and deliver the most appropriate instructional strategies for a variety of learning environments. Focusing on rigor and relevance, students will develop the ability to significantly enhance instructional opportunities for their learners. In this course, students will also begin the initial planning and writing steps of the certification required performance assessment. The student will collaborate with Field Experience (EDU557) university supervisor and on-site supervisor/mentor to review relevant educational data to identify an instructional problem to address through action research. Students will research, design and present an instructional plan for implementation in the appropriate educational environment.




RSH 520