Withdrawal from a Course
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must submit the official schedule change form available on Owlnet under student forms. A grade of "W" will be entered. W grades do not count in the student's semester or cumulative GPA. The withdrawal is not official until the paperwork is processed through the Office of the Registrar. A student who simply stops going to class or who fails to submit the request according to the deadline will receive a letter grade based upon the entire semester/ term's work. The scheduled deadline to withdraw from a 16-week semester long course is approximately 10 weeks into the course. Comparably, students in eight-week courses will have through the end of the 5th calendar week of the course to withdraw with a W grade. Students who are enrolled in the course on or after the term start date will be charged full or a prorated tuition, if the request to withdraw is submitted after the first business week of the term (4:30pm Friday). Students who are enrolled in a three-week summer course on or after the term start date will be charged full tuition, if the request to withdraw is submitted after the second day of the term (4:30pm Friday). Failure to attend/participate does not exempt tuition/fee charges.
Online Administrative Withdrawal:
Online students who have not responded or accessed their course(s) by Wednesday morning of week two may be administratively withdrawn from the course. If students have not participated in any courses that term, William Woods will administratively withdraw all future registered courses as well. Students who are administratively withdrawn from all courses in a term will also be withdrawn from the university and must re-apply.