Academic Catalog

Grade Appeal

Students who believe a final course grade has been assigned in error or who wish to have the course grade reviewed must first submit their concerns to the course instructor either in person or in writing (email from a University email suffices for ‘in writing’) within 20 days of the end of the course. If in person, the student and the instructor should keep a record of the conversation. Owing to the nature of course grade appeals, timeliness in resolving course grade appeals is necessary and adherence to the timelines established below must be met. All parties to course grade appeals will conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the course grade appeal process. Any report of unprofessional behavior, verbal abuse or hostile language will be referred for appropriate adjudication. The instructor shall have 10 days in which to reply in writing. If there is no response from the instructor after 10 days or the grade appeal is still in dispute, the student may submit a formal course grade appeal by following the instructions below. If a mathematical recording or other technical error is discovered, the instructor may recommend an appropriate grade change to the Registrar. This should be completed within 30 days after the end of the semester or term. 

Formal Course Grade Appeal Instructions 

  1. The student is required to discuss the reason for the course grade appeal with the appropriate program manager/program chair either in writing or in person. If in person, a record of the conversation should be kept by the student and the program manager/program chair. If the program manager/program chair is the instructor, go directly to step 2. This discussion must take place within 7 days of the response from the instructor (or equivalent time if no response from the instructor). 
    a. If the student does not initiate the discussion within 7 days of the response from the instructor (or equivalent time if no response from the instructor), the course grade appeal will be considered closed and no further appeal will be considered. 
  2. If, after meeting with the appropriate program manager/program chair the student still disputes the course grade the next step is to discuss the grade appeal with the appropriate school dean either in writing or in person. If in person, the student and the school dean should keep a record of the conversation. If the school dean is the instructor, go directly to the step 3. This discussion must take place within 7 days of the response from the program manager/program chair. 
    a. If the student does not initiate the discussion within 7 days of the response from the appropriate program manager/program chair, the course grade appeal will be considered closed and no further appeal will be considered. 
  3. If, after meeting with the appropriate school dean the student still disputes the reason for the course grade appeal the next step is to submit a written course grade appeal to the appropriate associate provost. The written course grade appeal must be submitted within 7 days of the discussion with the appropriate school dean. If the associate provost is the instructor, go directly to the step 4. 
    a. If the student does not submit the written course grade appeal to the appropriate associate provost within 7 days of the discussion with the appropriate school dean, the course grade appeal will be considered closed and no further appeal will be considered. 
    b. The course grade appeal must allege: 
    i. That a computational, recording, or other technical error has been made but not acknowledged by the instructor, program manager/program chair or school dean; or 
    ii. That the course grade has been assigned in an arbitrary, capricious, or vindictive manner or in a manner intended to inappropriately manipulate or control the student. 
    iii. No other grounds for a course grade appeal exist. 
    c. The course grade appeal to the associate provost must include all relevant correspondence between the student and the instructor regarding the course grade plus any other supporting documentation relevant to the course grade appeal. 
    d. The associate provost will have 7 days from receipt of the written course grade appeal to determine if sufficient evidence exists for a review. 
    e. If sufficient evidence exists for a review, the appropriate associate provost will notify the provost so a subcommittee of the academic council can be formed to review the course grade appeal. The student and instructor will be notified of this decision within 7 days of receipt of the course grade appeal. 
    f. If sufficient evidence does not exist for a review the student and instructor will be notified by the appropriate associate provost within 7 days of receipt of the course grade appeal. 
    i. If sufficient evidence does not exist for a review the course grade appeal will be considered closed and no further appeal will be considered. 4. If, after review by the appropriate associate provost, evidence exists for a review, the appropriate associate provost will forward their findings to the provost. The provost will assemble a subcommittee of the academic council to undertake a review within 20 days. 
    a. The findings of the academic council subcommittee are shaped as recommendations to the instructor and are shared with the provost. 
    b. The provost is the final authority concerning course grade appeals that reach this level and no further appeal will be considered following their decision. If the provost is the instructor, the provost will be recused and a member from the academic council will serve in the provost’s capacity.