Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit
Acceptance of transfer credit is at the discretion of William Woods University and may be accepted only after evaluation and approval.
An official transcript or other official documentation must be sent to the Registrar’s office at William Woods University before any transfer credit can be reviewed for acceptance into the student's program of study.
Undergraduate Programs
William Woods University students who wish to take a course at another college or university must obtain approval from the Registrar to assure that the course is eligible for transfer and fits within their academic program. William Woods University does not consider the type of delivery system or format from other institutions in the evaluation of a student’s coursework for transfer credit. Credits are accepted at full semester value provided that the transferring institution is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the American Council on Education (ACE).
Courses that are comparable to William Woods University offerings are accepted in transfer. Courses accepted in transfer must have a final grade earned of "D" or above.
The maximum credit hours accepted by the University by transfer, examination, and/or portfolio may not exceed 90 credits, no more than 70 of which may be taken at a junior/community college. Courses completed at a junior/community college are unlikely to transfer as upper level (300/400) coursework.
To earn an undergraduate degree from William Woods University, a student must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours at William Woods University.
William Woods University does not accept transfer credit as part of a student's last 30 hours. Students who transfer credits will not be required to repeat courses unless specifically stated in William Woods University course prerequisites or major requirements. (i.e., repeat of a course in which a D was earned in an education program requirement).
Students must send an official transcript to the Registrar's office at William Woods University before any transfer course can be accepted into the student's program of study. Official transcripts certifying coursework must be received by the Registrar's office prior to the student's final semester (15 credits).
The Registrar is the official person to grant transfer credit; any questions should be addressed to the Registrar. You may check our Transfer Equivalency page to see how your credits might transfer. (Please contact the Registrar’s office if you cannot find the school/course for which you are seeking an equivalency.)
William Woods University is a participant of the Missouri Reverse Transfer. If you transferred from or will transfer from a 2-year Missouri institution, please read more about the Missouri Reverse Transfer program.
Master’s and Education Specialist Programs
Ordinarily no more than nine credit hours completed elsewhere will be accepted as applicable to master’s and education specialist degrees granted by the University.
Exceptions may be made subject to existing articulation agreements.
Only master’s and education specialist level course work with grades of B or higher may be accepted as applicable toward William Woods University master’s and specialist degrees.
Only prior master’s and education specialist coursework completed at another institution, except in instances in which admitted current master’s and education specialist students secure prior approval from the Registrar before taking a graduate course at another institution, may be considered for transfer credit.
Transfer credit is applicable only to prior coursework that is relevant to the degree, content, and course level appropriate to the degree program.
Coursework not previously approved by the Registrar will not be considered for acceptance.
To earn a master's or education specialist degree from William Woods University, a student must earn a minimum of 18 credit hours at William Woods University.
Transfer credit may not be applied to graduate certificate programs.
Only master’s and education specialist work completed at graduate level institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the American Council on Education (ACE) may be accepted as applicable to William Woods University master’s and education specialist programs.
The Executive Dean or their designated official determines the acceptability of credit granted by other graduate level institutions
Technology related courses completed at other institutions must have been completed within seven calendar years of anticipated initial enrollment to be considered for applicability to William Woods University master’s and education specialist degrees. Each William Woods University master’s and education specialist program determines technology related courses pertaining to this requirement. Exceptions may be made subject to the School Dean’s or their designees' discretion.
Transfer credit is not granted for capstone courses, integrated studies or thesis courses in any master’s and education specialist programs.
Doctoral Programs
No more than 50% of core credits (excludes: residency courses, dissertation courses, dissertation continuation courses, doctoral project courses, doctoral project continuation courses) completed elsewhere will be accepted as applicable to doctoral degrees granted by William Woods University.
Specific departments/programs may set lower limits on transfer credit into doctoral programs.
The number of hours accepted depends on the relevance of the course work to the doctoral degree. Course work must be relevant to the degree with content appropriate to the degree program. Students with a master's degree in an area different from that in which they intend to seek a doctoral degree may expect to transfer far fewer than the maximum transfer hours allowed.
Only graduate level course work with grades of B or higher may be accepted as applicable to doctoral degrees granted by William Woods University.
Only graduate work completed at another institution before initial admission to a doctoral program at William Woods University may be considered for transfer. Post-matriculation graduate coursework will not be considered for transfer credit.
To earn a doctoral degree from William Woods University, a student must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours at William Woods University; however, students with additional graduate coursework (multiple master’s or specialist degree) may be considered for additional transfer credit with review and approval by the program director.
Credits received for the completion of graduate work not previously approved by the School Dean will not be considered for acceptance.
No work completed as an undergraduate student (including graduate courses) will be accepted unless the undergraduate student completed graduate courses as part of an undergraduate to graduate degree program such as William Woods University’s Graduate Bridge Program.
Only graduate work completed at graduate level institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the American Council on Education (ACE) may be accepted as applicable to doctoral degrees granted by William Woods University.
The School Dean or their designated official determines the acceptability of credit granted by other graduate level institutions.
Credit for prior learning or experiential learning are not eligible for transfer credit into doctoral programs at William Woods University.
Technology related courses completed at other institutions must have been completed within seven calendar years of anticipated initial enrollment to be considered for applicability to William Woods University doctoral degrees. Each William Woods University doctoral program determines technology related courses pertaining to this requirement. Exceptions may be made subject to the School Dean’s or their designees' discretion.
Transfer credit is not granted for dissertation or applied doctoral project courses.