Education Foundations BS
Education Foundations - 42 Credits
This is an online program of study that provides students an avenue for entering the teaching profession who would otherwise could not due to financial and mobility barriers. This degree program does not lead to initial teacher licensure. The plan of study is geared for entry level certified paraprofessional positions and entry level non-certified daycare workers. The goals for this program are aligned with the outcomes for graduates to possess the ability/skills to effectively work with, mentor, and teach birth through eighth grade students in a public or parochial school setting. This bachelor’s degree provides students opportunities to easily transfer into a four-year teacher certification degree program, serve as a non-certified teacher (private setting), serve as a non-certified childcare worker, serve as a certified paraprofessional, or hold a position as a curriculum developer. A second mission of this program is to provide prospective students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree in the content area to receive initial teacher certification through the Temporary Authorization route (TAC) or apprentice programs.
Major Requirements
Core Credits: 42.00
EDU 201 | Multicultural Education -U | 3 |
EDU 211 | Educational Technology | 3 |
EDU 231 | Exceptional Child | 3 |
EDU 250 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDU 261 | Assessing Young Children | 3 |
EDU 281 | Early Childhood Principles | 3 |
EDU 301 | Family and Community Resources | 3 |
EDU 392 | Reading & Wrtng in the Content Area | 3 |
EDU 393 | Teaching Reading and Writing | 3 |
EDU 453 | Classroom Management | 3 |
EDU 496 | Education Foundations Capstone | 3 |
PSY 221 | Educational Psychology -Q | 3 |
PSY 226 | Child and Adolescent Development | 3 |
Major Elective
| Must complete at least 3 credits from the following options | |
EDU 311 | Middle School Philosophy and Organi | 3 |
EDU 314 | Middle School Curriculum & Instruct | 3 |
This program alone will not lead to initial teacher certification in the State of Missouri.