Incomplete Grade
The Incomplete grade may be issued only in special circumstances, defined as circumstances beyond the student’s control, which, toward the end of the course, prevent the student from finishing a small portion of the work required to complete the course within the established course schedule. The Incomplete is never granted for purposes of convenience or to enable the submission of long overdue work. The Incomplete grade carries no quality points and does not figure into the grade point average. The obligation to remove an incomplete grade rests exclusively with the student. The student must complete all work within four (4) weeks of the last class session in which the Incomplete was recorded. An Incomplete grade that is not removed by the deadline will be converted to the grade indicated on the Incomplete Coursework Form turned in by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar. In extraordinary circumstances, those in which it can be unequivocally demonstrated physical or mental incapacity prevent the student from removing the Incomplete within the four-week period, the Academic Dean may extend the period in which the obligation might be satisfied for another three weeks; or subsequent to determining that incapacity will prevent the student from satisfying the obligation within such a period, the Academic Dean may authorize a Withdrawal from the course. The determination to extend or to authorize Withdrawal must be made only if formally requested by the student or an authorized representative of the student. The obligation to seek such actions rests exclusively with the student.