Adaptation of Regulations to Varying Formats
University degree programs employ a variety of instructional delivery systems, formats, and schedules. These variations, commonly described as non-traditional delivery formats, are attributable to the University's commitment to maintaining programs which effectively accommodate students whose life and professional circumstances preclude participation in a traditional format. When maintaining non-traditional delivery formats intended to serve non-traditional students, the University maintains a rigorous proactive commitment to ensuring that its undergraduate programs are conducted, without regard to delivery format or student circumstances, in a manner thoroughly consistent with standards commonly acknowledged within the American higher education community as appropriate or mandatory for undergraduate and graduate education. The regulations stated herein are broadly stated, but are applicable to all students of the University without regard to the specific delivery format employed by the program in which they are enrolled. Questions which arise regarding the applicability of specific regulations to specific delivery formats and programs may be addressed to the Academic Dean or Director. The Dean/Directors are charged with responsibility for interpreting regulations to enable their consistent application in all programs conducted under the auspices of the University.