Degree Candidacy Undergraduate Students
Students whose progress has brought them within 15 credit hours of degree program completion are formally accorded status as Degree Candidates. The designation is useful in describing student status to employers, prospective employers, certification and licensing agencies, and prospective graduate and professional programs. The status indicates simply that the award of the degree is imminent.
Candidacy status also indicates that the Office of the Registrar is conducting the appropriate final reviews to enable a formal recommendation to the Academic Dean that the appropriate degree be recommended to the President and Trustees of the University for issuance at a specific time and place.
Admission to candidacy does not imply the degree will be awarded. It implies only that the student has the capacity and capability to successfully and satisfactorily complete the final 15 hours of instruction and is expected to do so.
Students terminating enrollment within 15 hours of degree completion cease, at the time of termination, to be Degree Candidates.