Equine-Assisted Services Minor - 20 Credits
This program will allow WWU students to prepare for certification, expose them to different aspects and positions available within the industry, and help them develop requisite skills for working in the Equine-Assisted Services sector.
Minor Requirements
Core Credits: 13.00
EXS 123 | Examination of Human Anatomy & Physiology -Q | 3 |
EQU 211 | Survey of Equine-Assisted Services | 3 |
EQU 290 | Industry Internship | 1 |
EQS 212 | Theory of Teaching Techniques I | 3 |
PSY 411 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
Required Elective - 7 Credits
(choose from the following options)
EDU 231 | Exceptional Child | 3 |
ASL 105 | American Sign Language I -U | 3 |
EQR 214 | Longlining & Driving | 1 |
EQS 390 | Internship I | 3 |
EQS 412 | Advanced Teaching Practicum | 2 |
EQS 2___
| Teaching Techniques II (Discipline Specific) | 2 |
EQS 3___
| Teaching Techniques III (Discipline Specific) | 2 |
EQS 3___
| Teaching Techniques IV (Discipline Specific) | 2 |
substitutions must be approved by the Division Chair